co-workers virtual event planning for their next GlobalMeet event

A Guide to Efficient Virtual Event Planning

Virtual events have transformed the way we connect and share information. No more geographical limitations or traveling in a suit and tie; virtual events allow you to reach a global audience, fostering engagement and knowledge exchanges irrespective of location. But with this exciting potential comes the responsibility of meticulous planning. In this comprehensive guide, designed to equip you with the tools and strategies for success, we will walk you through virtual event planning in five detailed steps:

Step 1: Building Your Dream Team

A well-coordinated team is the backbone of any successful virtual event. Here are the key players you’ll want on board:

  • Project Manager: The conductor of the event, overseeing the entire project lifecycle from conception to execution. They ensure alignment with strategic goals, manage resources, and troubleshoot logistical challenges.
  • Producer: The live event puppet master, ensuring the event flows seamlessly. They manage transitions, maintain the schedule, and keep the virtual stage on track.
  • Production Manager: The tech whiz behind the scenes, overseeing the technical aspects. They collaborate with the tech team and the platform experts to manage the software, audio-visual elements, and ensure a glitch-free experience. GlobalMeet is one of the few virtual event software providers that offer Event Production Managers to meticulously run your event for you.
  • Content Coordinator and Marketing Specialist: The content curator, crafting engaging presentations and an agenda that resonates with the audience. The Marketing Specialist, on the other hand, spearheads promotional efforts to drive awareness and attendance.

Step 2: Crafting Compelling Content and Captivating Agendas

Content is still king. Here’s how to create an agenda and content strategy that keeps your audience glued to their screens and keeps your virtual event flowing:

Structure Your Agenda for Engagement

Design a well-paced agenda that grabs attention from the start. Integrate interactive elements like polls, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms to encourage participation. Consider time zones for a global audience and keep sessions concise to maintain focus.

Gather Speaker Materials Promptly

Collect all necessary materials from your speakers well in advance, including presentations, bios, photos, and social media links. This empowers you to create a buzz pre-event and build connections with the audience. It also helps to ensure that no one’s material overlaps or becomes too repetitive. The last thing you want is a virtual event that drags on and on and still fails to educate attendees.

The Art of Effective Presentations

Captivating content is the heart of a successful virtual event. Identify impactful themes that resonate with your target audience. Incorporate a variety of formats, like keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, all just to keep things interesting. Storytelling is a powerful tool; use it to craft relatable and memorable presentations, and make sure that each presentation has a narrative that’s easy to follow. Real-world examples, case studies, and live demonstrations further enrich the content and ensure your audience walks away not just informed, but inspired.

Optimizing Your Presentation Space

The physical space you present from plays a subtle yet significant role. High-quality audio is paramount, so ensure a good microphone or headset. Maintain a clean, professional background to avoid distractions. Dress professionally, but comfortably, to portray authority and trust, while still remaining approachable and relatable. These details help maintain focus and ensure your message resonates with the audience.

Step 3: Mastering Technicalities and Rehearsals

Technical pitfalls can nullify all of your virtual event planning if you’re not careful. To avoid this, it’s important to prioritize a strong foundation. First, utilize established broadcast channels to maximize reach, and ensure a hardwired internet connection for stability. Next, conduct a thorough rehearsal to familiarize everyone involved with the platform and format. This practice session should mirror the live event as closely as possible, allowing all participants to test their equipment and identify any technical kinks before the big day arrives.


Rehearsals also provide a valuable opportunity to practice transitions and content flow, boosting speaker confidence and ensuring a smooth, professional experience for your audience. It really helps the speakers to see how it’s going to go beforehand. This leads us to step four.

Step 4: Fine-Tuning Presenter Preparation and Coordination

Well-prepared presenters are the cornerstone of a captivating virtual event. Be sure to provide presenters with comprehensive best practices for using the webcast platform. Familiarity with the technology translates to a smooth and confident delivery. Additionally, during rehearsals, prioritize checking audio and video quality for clarity and professionalism. Encourage presenters to use the same technical setup during rehearsals as they will during the live event. Confident and prepared presenters make for a smooth experience, helping uplift the overall image and impact of your virtual event.

Step 5: Finalizing Event Settings and Schedules

The final touches are crucial for a polished and professional event experience, and thoroughness is your friend.

  • Configuring Webcast Software Settings: Configure all technical aspects of the webcast software. This includes audio and video settings, chat functionalities, poll creation, and other interactive features, all tailored to your specific event needs.
  • Scheduling Presenters for Early Arrival: Ensure presenters log in well before the event start time. Aim for a 30-to-60-minute window for last-minute adjustments, troubleshooting, and acclimation to the virtual environment. This allows them to interact with each other, fostering a relaxed and confident atmosphere for their presentations.
  • Final Checks and Balances: Perform scrupulous final checks to eliminate the risk of technical glitches:
    • Test all links and login credentials.
    • Verify that backup systems are in place for critical components.
    • Confirm that all content, such as slides and videos, is uploaded and functioning correctly.

By following these five steps and attending to the finer details, you can transform virtual event planning from a daunting task to a streamlined process. Just take things step by step! This approach ensures a captivating and impactful experience for both your presenters and your audience.

Elevate Your Virtual Events with GlobalMeet

GlobalMeet empowers you to craft exceptional virtual events, irrespective of their complexity. Whether you’re hosting a simple online video webcast or a multi-day hybrid conference requiring a dedicated team, we offer a comprehensive suite of solutions:

  • Webcast Subscriptions: Run your own event with our full suite of features, including audience chat, survey and polls, China CDN, enterprise-grade security, event branding and customization, and more. Our intuitive tools let you design your event every step of the way. But don’t worry, even heroes need help sometimes. Our award-winning team is always available 24/7 to ensure your success.
  • Professionally Managed Audio & Video Webcasts: Experience the same full suite of features for 100,000+ attendees, except with a professional team of experts who take care of every element of your event. This includes setup, presenter training, testing, design, and on-site video. This way you can focus on the delivery of your message.
  • Virtual & Hybrid Events & Conferences: Designed to handle 100,000+ attendees if needed, our virtual and hybrid event platforms are optimal for multi-day events that combine in-person and virtual experiences. Think investor conferences, trade shows, trainings, and more.

GlobalMeet: The Platform for Captivating Virtual Experiences

Our virtual event platform caters to a variety of scenarios, from corporate communications and investor relations to demand generation and beyond. We are committed to fostering engaging and interactive experiences for your audience.


Ready to take your virtual events to the next level? See what GlobalMeet can do for you! We’re even ready to help you with your virtual event planning. Watch a demo or contact us today and discover how we can help you create unforgettable virtual experiences that leave a lasting impression.