Businesswomen collaborating on their corporate event management software

Navigating Corporate Event Management Software: A Comprehensive Guide

Corporate events aren’t quite as stuffy as they used to be, huh? Today, they play a pivotal role in fostering brand awareness, building relationships, and driving key objectives—all critical components to running an impactful operation. However, the planning and execution process can often be a labyrinth in and of itself, one that even David Bowie would have trouble navigating. This is precisely where event management software comes into play—the planning and execution, that is. Not with defeating goblin kings. You’re on your own there.


This guide delves into the complex world of enterprise event management software, equipping you with the knowledge to take full advantage of its functionalities and unlock its potential for success. We’ll explore the core features, delve into strategic considerations for selection, and illuminate how this technology empowers you to craft exceptional events. Sound like a plan? Ready… break!

What is Corporate Event Management Software?

Corporate event management software is a comprehensive tool designed to facilitate the planning, organization, and execution of corporate events both hybrid or totally virtual. It streamlines processes such as attendee registration, schedule management, engagement tracking, and more. 


This software is crucial for businesses aiming to efficiently manage events, from small meetings and town halls to large conferences and tradeshows. It ensures a seamless event experience for both organizers and attendees, enabling effective communication, data analysis, and integration with other business tools.

Enterprise event management software aligns with the phases of hosting a virtual or hybrid event by providing tools and features for each step of the event lifecycle. From the planning phase, where it assists with scheduling and registration, to the execution phase, offering functionalities for live streaming and engagement—such as polls or chats—and finally to the post-event phase, facilitating feedback collection and analytics.

What Are the Key Features of a Robust Event Management Software Platform?

The optimal enterprise event management platform depends heavily on its features. It can be affordable, sleek, and easy to use all day long, but that’s all for nothing if it can’t handle the bells and whistles portion to do what you need it to do. So what are the most important features you and your team should be looking for in a corporate event management system? Just in case you don’t already have them listed out, we went ahead and did it for you:

Core Functionalities
  • Registration: Streamline guest access, with an easy to use branded registration page. 
  • Agenda Management: Create agendas, schedule sessions, and integrate speaker bios and presentations for a cohesive experience.
  • Communication Tools: Utilize built-in features to send targeted email campaigns such as reminders and follow-up emails. 
  • Engagement Features: Foster audience participation with live polls, Q&A sessions, social media integration, and other interactive elements.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain valuable insights through robust analytics that track attendee behavior, measure event success, and inform future planning.
  • Event Format Flexibility: Cater to the evolving event landscape by supporting virtual and hybrid events seamlessly.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Accommodate an increasing number of attendees or handle more complex events as your needs grow.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrate with existing tools like CRM or marketing automation platforms to streamline workflows and eliminate data silos.
  • Customization Options: Personalize the event experience by incorporating your brand identity and tailoring attendee communications.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offer an intuitive interface for both event organizers and attendees to ensure ease of use.
  • Content Delivery Options: Seamlessly handle live presentations, pre-recorded sessions, or on-demand resources to cater to diverse learning styles.
  • Advanced Analytics: Go beyond basic metrics to gain deeper insights into attendee behavior and preferences to inform future content strategy and event design.
  • Security Features: Ensure the platform adheres to industry-standard security protocols to protect sensitive data.
  • Customer Support: Evaluate the quality and accessibility of customer support offered by the software vendor.
  • Pricing and Scalability: Compare pricing models and ensure the platform’s scalability aligns with your anticipated growth trajectory.

Choosing the Right Corporate Event Management Partner

Selecting the ideal corporate event management software hinges on a clear understanding of your specific needs and objectives. Without clarifying these things, you might be up a creek without a paddle. And that’s never fun. It involves a lot of mud, to say the least. Anyway, here are crucial factors to consider when navigating the selection process to help you evaluate how the system aligns with your needs:

What are the Event Goals?

Evaluate the software’s capabilities against your event’s objectives. Does it offer the features necessary to achieve your desired outcomes, be it audience engagement, brand awareness, or lead generation?

Consider the demographics and technological savviness of your attendees. Choose a user-friendly platform with features that cater to their needs and preferences.

Ensure the platform can adapt and grow alongside your events. Opt for software that can accommodate an increasing number of attendees or handle more complex events in the future.

Seamless integration with existing tools like your CRM or marketing automation platform can streamline workflows and eliminate data silos.

Does the platform enable you to personalize the event experience? Look for features that allow you to incorporate your brand identity visually and tailor attendee communications.

Building Your Event Tech Ecosystem

Enterprise event management software forms the core of your event tech stack, but its true potential is amplified when it’s combined with other specialized tools. Here’s how to curate a comprehensive tech ecosystem for a seamless event experience:

  • CRM Integration: Integrate your event software with your CRM to gain a 360-degree view of attendees. This allows for targeted marketing campaigns, personalized event experiences, and improved lead nurturing.
  • Marketing Automation Synergy: Sync with your marketing automation platform to streamline pre-event communication, nurture leads, and trigger targeted post-event follow-up campaigns.
  • Engagement Boosters: Consider incorporating interactive tools like live polling apps, gamification platforms, or social media walls to enhance audience participation and create a more dynamic event environment.
  • Event App Power: Explore the potential of a custom event app to provide attendees with easy access to agendas, speaker information, networking opportunities, and real-time event updates.

By strategically integrating these additional tools with your core event management software, you can orchestrate a symphony of technologies that empowers you to deliver exceptional events.

Optimizing Your Partnership: Maximize The Software Potential

Once you’ve shopped the marketplace, selected your event management software partner, harnessed the software’s features, and built your tech stack, there’s still some leftover juice to squeeze. Here are some success strategies to consider to best utilize your new corporate event software system:

  • Invest in Training: Equipping your team with comprehensive training on the software’s functionalities ensures everyone can leverage its full potential.
  • Professional Guidance and Management: The leaders in corporate event management will often provide professional guidance and co-management of your virtual or hybrid events. 
  • Content is King: Remember, even the most feature-rich software cannot compensate for lackluster content. Focus on developing engaging presentations, workshops, and other materials that resonate with your audience.
  • Embrace Feedback: Utilize the software’s built-in analytics and feedback tools to gather valuable post-event insights. Analyze attendee responses to identify areas for improvement and continuously refine your event planning strategies.

GlobalMeet: Streamlining Your Corporate Event Management

At GlobalMeet, we understand the complexities of corporate event planning. That’s why we created a user-friendly corporate event management software solution designed to streamline every step of the process, from registration to post-event analysis. Our platform empowers you to manage both virtual and hybrid events with ease, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for all participants.

Create Memorable Events

GlobalMeet’s intuitive interface allows you to effortlessly manage registrations, schedule sessions, and craft compelling agendas. Built-in communication tools keep attendees informed throughout the event lifecycle, while interactive features like live polls and Q&A sessions foster engagement and keep audiences captivated. But we know that numbers don’t lie. That’s why we provide robust analytics that helps you measure event efficacy and refine your strategies for future events.

Flexibility and Scalability

The event landscape is constantly evolving. With GlobalMeet, you have the flexibility to adapt. Our software supports virtual and hybrid events, ensuring you can reach your target audience regardless of location. And as your organization grows, so too can your event management capabilities. GlobalMeet is built to scale, accommodating an increasing number of attendees and handling more complex events with ease.

Impart Brand Identity

We understand that every event is unique. That’s why GlobalMeet offers customization options. Incorporate your brand identity visually throughout the platform, from registration pages to email communications. This personalized experience fosters stronger connections with attendees and reinforces your brand message.

GlobalMeet's Platform Includes:

  • Scalability: Broadcast high-quality video to large audiences globally.
  • On-Demand Viewing: Record and store webcasts for unlimited access by attendees.
  • Customization: Tailor the entire event experience to your brand, from registration pages to live sessions.
  • Engagement Tools: Foster audience participation through features like polling, Q&A, and social media integration.
  • Security: Maintain enterprise-grade security with features like password protection and access control.
  • Accessibility: Break down language barriers with live interpretation or captioning.
  • Analytics: Gain valuable insights into event performance through real-time data reporting.
  • Compliance: Support adherence to strict regulations like GDPR.
  • Professional Services: Receive expert assistance with event planning, management, and execution.
  • Subscription Plans: Choose a plan that caters to your event size and needs.
  • Integrations: Integrate with existing marketing automation or CRM platforms.

Elevate Your Event with GlobalMeet's Managed Services

Planning a virtual or hybrid event for your company can be daunting—GlobalMeet’s professionally managed services take the weight off your shoulders. Our expert team acts as an extension of yours, handling everything from concept development to flawless execution.

  • Expert Planning & Logistics: We meticulously manage logistics, speaker coordination, and content curation, letting you focus on core objectives.
  • Tech Integration & Engagement: Our specialists ensure seamless integration with your chosen platforms and craft engaging audience interaction strategies using live polls, Q&A, and chat features.
  • Real-Time Support & Reporting: Rest assured, our team is there throughout the event, providing support and troubleshooting. We also offer post-event analysis and reporting to help you refine future events.

We offer tiered service options to match your event complexity and team bandwidth. Choose the level of support that best suits your needs, from specific areas like logistics to a full-service event management solution.

Hosting Seamless Virtual and Hybrid Events

Imagine hosting a global conference where remote attendees can participate just as actively as those in the physical venue. With GlobalMeet’s corporate event management software, you can leverage features like live streaming, breakout rooms for virtual attendees, and real-time chat functionalities to create a unified experience. 


Additionally, our analytics provide insights into virtual audience engagement, allowing you to refine your approach and ensure a truly seamless event for all participants. By utilizing GlobalMeet’s comprehensive toolkit, enterprises can bridge the physical and virtual divide, fostering meaningful connections and maximizing the impact of their events.

Ready to embark on your event planning transformation? Get in touch with our experts or watch a demo today.