Business woman speaking on GlobalMeet's conferencing call solution

The Benefits of Upgrading Your Conferencing Call Solution

As businesses grow and expand in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the need for seamless, reliable communication has become increasingly important. One of the most effective ways to ensure smooth collaboration is by upgrading your conferencing call solution to a modern, enterprise-grade system. Whether you’re a small startup or a large multinational corporation, having the right conferencing call software can revolutionize how you communicate, collaborate, and connect. Modern enterprise conferencing solutions can help you reach a global audience, provide robust reporting tools, capture essential details through transcription, and streamline your operations with advanced operator-assisted features.

Reach a Global Audience

One of the primary reasons that a business may need to upgrade their conferencing call solution is the need to effectively communicate with a global audience. Whether you are coordinating with international partners, remote teams, or a global customer base, having the right software can make all the difference in your ability to engage and collaborate across borders.


Modern conferencing call software allows for seamless participation from virtually anywhere in the world. With support for various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, enterprise-grade systems ensure that all participants have access to the conversation, no matter their location. This enhanced accessibility means that businesses can more effectively expand their operations into new markets, hold productive meetings across time zones, and foster better relationships with global stakeholders.


For organizations that regularly conduct meetings with international attendees, an upgraded enterprise conferencing solution also provides features such as language translation, ensuring that every participant can feel heard and understood. This enhanced inclusivity is key to fostering a global mindset and building stronger international relationships.

Unlock Detailed Reporting to Measure Effectiveness

Measuring the success of your conference calls is critical to improving communication strategies and ensuring that your meetings are productive. Upgrading your conferencing call software to an enterprise solution gives you access to advanced reporting tools that can track key performance metrics, such as participant engagement, call duration, and overall call quality.


With these detailed reporting features, businesses can evaluate the effectiveness of their calls in real-time and make informed decisions to enhance future meetings. Whether you’re looking to improve participation rates, adjust presentation formats, or optimize your meeting agenda, having access to comprehensive data empowers you to continuously refine your communication strategy in a way that promotes consistent growth.


Additionally, enterprise-grade conferencing call solutions often provide post-call analytics that can track key business outcomes linked to your meetings. These reports can highlight patterns, identify areas for improvement, and even measure the return on investment (ROI) of specific conference calls. The ability to track these metrics allows businesses to justify the resources they allocate toward virtual meetings and understand their direct impact on organizational goals.

Capture Transcriptions for Detailed Meeting Records

In any business, it’s easy to miss out on critical details during meetings, especially when juggling multiple agendas, presenters, and attendees. One of the most valuable features of modern conferencing call solutions is the ability to automatically capture transcriptions of meetings. This accurate, in-the-moment record ensures that no important information is lost, and frees up valuable time that would otherwise be spent checking over notes and actions after the meeting is complete.


Meeting transcriptions are a powerful tool for post-call analysis and follow-up. They allow businesses to create detailed summaries, distribute action items, and provide easy reference points for employees who were unable to attend the live call. Additionally, these transcriptions can serve as legal records in some industries where accurate documentation is essential.


By capturing and archiving transcriptions, businesses can ensure that all stakeholders are aligned on key decisions and can easily revisit important discussions whenever they need to. These records can also be shared across teams, keeping everyone in the loop and facilitating collaboration even after the meeting has ended.

Record Calls for On-Demand Access

Another significant advantage of upgrading to an enterprise conferencing solution is the ability to record calls for on-demand access. Call recording allows businesses to store and review meetings, training sessions, and presentations, ensuring that everyone has access to the content whenever they need it.


Recording calls is particularly useful in larger organizations where participants may need to revisit discussions, or where new employees may benefit from reviewing past training sessions. This feature is also invaluable for companies that work in regulated industries or those with stringent compliance requirements, as it provides an auditable trail of communication and decision-making without needing any additional manpower.


On-demand access also increases flexibility within teams. Employees who are unable to attend live meetings due to scheduling conflicts or time zone differences can access recordings at their convenience, ensuring that everyone can always remain up-to-date with key information.


By offering the ability to record, review, and share meeting content, businesses can enhance collaboration, improve accountability, and foster a culture of transparency across their organization.

Enhance Professionalism with Operator-Assisted Calls

While automation is a powerful tool, there are times when adding a human touch to your meetings can make all the difference. Incorporating an operator-assist feature into your conferencing call solution can elevate your meetings by providing a more professional, organized experience for participants.


Operator-assisted calls introduce the service live virtual event professional who handle various aspects of the meeting for you, including greeting attendees, managing technical issues, and ensuring that the call runs smoothly. This service can be especially beneficial for larger, more complex meetings or important events where maintaining a high level of professionalism is essential.


These operators are experts in managing virtual events and can troubleshoot issues in real-time, ensuring that the meeting proceeds without interruptions. Their presence also alleviates the burden on your internal teams, allowing your employees to focus on the content of the meeting rather than managing the technical logistics in the background.


Whether it’s a large company-wide meeting, a client presentation, or a high-profile webinar, adding an operator to your enterprise conferencing solution can help ensure that everything runs smoothly and professionally.


Upgrading your conferencing call solution to a modern enterprise conferencing solution is more than just a technical enhancement — it’s an investment in the future of your business communication. By reaching a global audience, unlocking detailed reporting, capturing transcriptions, enabling call recording, and incorporating operator-assist features, businesses can transform their communication strategy into one that is efficient, effective, and accessible.


With the right conferencing call software, companies can streamline their operations, foster stronger relationships with international stakeholders, and ensure that no detail is lost in the fast-paced world of virtual meetings. As technology continues to evolve, upgrading your conferencing solution is an essential step in staying ahead of the curve and ensuring that your business remains competitive in the global marketplace.

Professional businessman speaking to a crowd at a GlobalMeet corporate communication strategy event.

How Virtual Events Impact Your Corporate Communication Strategy

As businesses increasingly embrace digital transformation, virtual events have become a staple in corporate communication. Virtual town hall meetings have replaced traditional in-person gatherings, and employees all over the world are connecting despite the distance. This shift in global communication has been driven by the need for flexibility, cost-efficiency, and the ability to reach a global audience in real-time.


During a recent webinar with GlobalMeet and Hive Streaming, Michele Dobnikar, President of GlobalMeet, and Niklas Hagen, co-CEO of Hive Streaming, highlighted the importance of well-run internal events and the hidden costs of failed internal events. Their insights emphasize the critical role that high-quality virtual events play in effective corporate communication.

Enhancing Internal Corporate Communication

One of the primary benefits of virtual events is their ability to enhance internal corporate communication. High-quality video experiences are now expected not only for external events, but also for internal communications. Niklas notes that in our technological world we are all accustomed to high-quality streaming services like Netflix and YouTube, and yet companies do not seem to demand the same level of quality for internal events, despite knowing that poor video experiences can lead to disengagement and a lack of trust in leadership.


Virtual town hall meetings are now instrumental in creating alignment and engagement among employees. They provide a platform for leaders to communicate the company’s vision, goals, and strategies directly to their staff, fostering a sense of unity and purpose. And Michele agrees, emphasizing that these events shape company culture, align corporate goals, and inspire teams, making them essential for driving engagement and commitment.

The Cost of Failed Internal Events

The impact of a failed internal event goes far beyond technical cost; it can affect employee morale, trust, and understanding of the company’s direction. Michele highlighted the importance of having a strong communication strategy and the right tools in place to ensure that key messages are delivered effectively. Research shows that viewers that cannot hear the speaker or understand the speaker quickly tune out and become demoralized. And ultimately, your information becomes less viable. Having 40% of your employee base not understanding the information shared has a huge knock-on effect to your internal communications, your culture, and your revenue and profitability. Even 10% is too much.


Niklas agrees, further highlighting that costs associated with failed events are not always monetary. The opportunity cost of missed information and the time cost in needing to produce another event to replace the failed one. The embarrassment of being let down by your platform in front of a thousand employees. More importantly, failed events can erode trust in leadership. Employees expect seamless and professional virtual events, and any failure can result in a rapid loss of confidence and engagement.

So What Can We Do About It?

To ensure the success of virtual events, companies must focus on four key areas:

  • Content and Production Quality: The content of the event must be engaging, relevant, and well-produced. High production quality, including good lighting, sound, and camera work, enhance the overall experience. Additionally, interactive elements such as Q&A sessions and live polls can increase engagement, helping sessions to feel a little less cold and a little more personal.
  • Technology and Infrastructure: Reliable technology is crucial for delivering high-quality virtual events. Michele mentioned the importance of platforms like GlobalMeet, which offer stable and secure technology for both internal and external events. Hive Streaming’s control and analytics tools can also help ensure that large scale internal events go as planned, with smooth delivery and real-time insights into event performance.
  • Inclusivity: Virtual events must be inclusive, ensuring that all employees, regardless of their role or location, have access to the same information. Michele emphasized the importance of features like real-time translation and multiple language captioning to bridge communication gaps in global teams. This inclusivity is vital for maintaining a unified, engaged, and informed workforce.
  • Consistency: Regular virtual events, such as monthly or quarterly town halls, help maintain a continuous flow of information and keep employees informed and engaged. Consistency in communication reinforces the company’s goals and objectives, ensuring that employees remain aligned with the organization’s vision.

Leveraging Technology for Success and Retention

Unsurprisingly, good technology plays a pivotal role in the success of virtual events. Platforms like GlobalMeet and Hive Streaming offer integrated solutions that ensure seamless delivery and high-quality experiences. Hive Streaming’s recent product releases, such as ‘Control the Event’ and ‘IT and Network Analytics’, provide real-time insights and anomaly detection, helping companies identify and mitigate potential issues during live events.


Effective virtual events can also significantly impact employee retention and improve international communications. Engaged and informed employees are likely to stay, and this engagement can be driven heavily by leaders through these well-run internal events. They are a key opportunity to explain company goals and how the employee is vital to achieving them, which can in turn boost their commitment and job satisfaction. Neglecting the quality of the internal events can send the wrong message to employees about the company’s commitment to excellence, and trickles down to negatively impact vital customers.


For international employees, virtual events are also a critical tool for bridging cultural and linguistic divides and ensuring that teams have equal access and understanding for every event. Niklas highlighted the importance of ensuring that global teams receive the same quality of information as those at the headquarters. Tools like Hive Streaming’s real-time translation and multiple language captioning help ensure that messages are understood by all employees, regardless of their location and native language.


Incorporating virtual events into your corporate communication strategy is not just a trend; it’s a necessity in today’s dynamic business environment. These events are instrumental in shaping company culture, aligning goals, and fostering a sense of unity and purpose among employees. By prioritizing high-quality virtual events, organizations can enhance their communication strategies, improve employee retention, and ensure that their global teams remain informed and engaged every step of the way.


GlobalMeet stands out as the single solution for delivering high-quality internal and external virtual events. Whether you’re organizing an internal town hall with ten people, a sales kickoff, a marketing seminar, or an online event with ten thousand attendees, GlobalMeet provides the same user-friendly, reliable, secure, and stable technology. This consistency ensures that every event, whether managed or self-serve, maintains a high standard of excellence, making GlobalMeet the ideal choice for all your virtual event needs

businessman researching event management platforms on his laptop

Event Management Platforms: Optimizing Your Event Planning

In the evolving landscape of event planning, the integration of advanced technology is not just an advantage — it’s a necessity. Event management platforms have become indispensable tools for creating seamless event experiences and capturing critical data that can drive the success of future events. These platforms are designed to optimize every aspect of event planning, from expanding your audience reach to integrating with CRM systems and providing expert management services.

Expanding Your Event Reach with Virtual and Hybrid Options

One of the most significant advantages of modern event management systems like GlobalMeet is their ability to expand the reach of your events through virtual and hybrid attendance options. In a world where geographical barriers and travel restrictions can limit attendance, these platforms ensure that your event can reach a global audience by allowing attendees to participate from anywhere in the world. This flexibility and convenience can significantly boost attendance numbers, giving your events a greater chance at success.


Hybrid events, which combine in-person and virtual elements, offer the best of both worlds. They provide the immersive experience of a live event while also catering to those who prefer or need to attend remotely. This flexibility not only increases your potential audience but also enhances the inclusivity and accessibility of your event, which can, in turn, raise your company profile with a wider audience.

CRM Integration: Capturing and Supporting Marketing KPIs

A critical feature of effective event management platforms is their ability to integrate seamlessly with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. This integration is vital for capturing data that supports marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and allows sales teams to handle event-driven leads efficiently.


GlobalMeet’s event management platform integrates with your CRM, so all attendee interactions and data are automatically synchronized. This ensures that your sales team has access to up-to-date information about attendee behavior, interests, and engagement levels. Such data is invaluable for personalizing follow-up communications, nurturing leads, and ultimately converting them into customers.


Moreover, the integration supports marketing efforts by providing insights into which aspects of your event were most effective. By analyzing this data, you can refine your strategies for future events, focusing on what works best to engage your audience, and meet your marketing objectives.

Professionally Managed Event Offerings

Managing the technical aspects of an event can be overwhelming, especially if your team is already stretched thin with planning the content and presentations. This is where professionally managed event offerings become a game-changer.


GlobalMeet’s event management platform offers comprehensive management services, including everything from initial planning and setup to real-time technical support during the event and post-event analysis. Having a team of experts handle the technical details allows your team to concentrate on delivering high-quality content and engaging with attendees.


It also ensures that all technical aspects, such as live streaming, virtual breakout sessions, and interactive features, run smoothly, minimizing the risk that technical issues will disrupt the event and detract from the attendee experience.


Our expert services enhance the professionalism of your event, making you look better than ever.

Choosing the Right Event Management Platform

When selecting the right event management system for you it is key to consider which essential items meet your specific needs.

1. Comprehensive Features

Your platform should offer a wide range of features that cover all aspects of event planning and execution. This includes leads generation, registration management, attendee tracking, live streaming, virtual networking, and post-event analytics, just to name a few. A platform with robust features can handle diverse event types, from small webinars to large-scale conferences, so you never need to use more than one.

2. Customizability

Every event is unique, and your platform should allow for customization to match your specific requirements. This includes the ability to brand the event with your logos and colors, tailor the agenda, and create personalized experiences for different attendee segments.

3. User-Friendly Interface

A system with an intuitive and user-friendly interface is crucial for both event planners and attendees. It should be easy to navigate, reducing the learning curve and ensuring that users can access all features without frustration.

4. Integration Capabilities

As mentioned earlier, seamless integration with CRM systems is essential. Additionally, the platform should be able to integrate with other tools you use, such as email marketing software, social media platforms, and analytics tools. This integration ensures that all your systems work together harmoniously, enhancing efficiency and data accuracy.

5. Security and Compliance

Security is paramount when handling attendee data and hosting virtual events. Ensure that the platform you choose adheres to the highest security standards and complies with relevant regulations for global events, such as GDPR. This protects both your organization and your attendees.

6. Scalability

Your event management platform should be scalable to accommodate events of varying sizes and complexities. Whether you’re hosting a small meeting or a large conference, the platform should be able to scale up or down accordingly.


Event management platforms are transformative tools that can significantly enhance your event planning and execution processes. By expanding the reach of your events through virtual and hybrid options, integrating seamlessly with CRM systems to support marketing KPIs, and offering professionally managed event services, these platforms ensure that your events are successful, engaging, and data-driven.


Choosing the right platform involves considering a range of features, from comprehensive capabilities and customizability to user-friendliness and security. By investing in a robust event management platform, you can optimize your event planning efforts, deliver exceptional experiences, and capture the data necessary for continuous improvement and success.

image of employees attending a company internal communications hybrid event

The Importance of Internal Communications

Whether your team is remote, hybrid, or in-office, a robust internal communications strategy is essential for fostering engagement, ensuring alignment, and driving success. Flexibility and connectivity are paramount, and effective internal communications serve as the cornerstone of organizational cohesion and productivity. At GlobalMeet, we recognize the critical role of seamless communication in connecting dispersed teams and aligning diverse work settings.


So, whether you’re looking to streamline company-wide announcements, enhance collaboration among teams, or foster a culture of transparency and trust, this article will equip you with helpful insights and best practices to elevate your internal communications.

What We Mean by Internal Communications

At its core, internal communications involve the strategic dissemination of messages, updates, and insights to foster understanding, alignment, and engagement among employees at all levels. It’s about ensuring that every member of the organization feels informed, valued, and connected to the company’s mission and goals. Effective internal comms not only convey information but also cultivate a shared sense of purpose and belonging, empowering teams to work cohesively towards common objectives.

Why Internal Communications Matter

Imagine a bustling organization—an assembly of activity where teams collaborate, ideas spark, and innovation thrives. But what fuels this energy and keeps everyone moving in the same direction? The answer lies in a fundamental element that’s often overlooked: internal communications.


Simply relying on the idea that all of the organization’s employees always dreamt of working for that specific business in that particular field would be naive to say the least. But what leaders can do—for the employees that have found themselves as part of the pack—is try to nurture them. And in case you haven’t figured it out yet, internal company communications is one of your strongest instruments in your nurturing toolkit.


By ensuring everyone is on the same page, internal communications empower employees to contribute their best work. When employees feel informed, valued, and engaged, they’re more likely to be productive, innovative, and committed to the company’s success. This translates into a happier, more motivated workforce, ultimately leading to increased morale, higher productivity, and a stronger bottom line. In today’s competitive landscape, prioritizing internal comms isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Key Elements of an Effective Internal Communications Strategy

A productive internal communications strategy should be comprehensive and tailored to your organization’s unique needs. Here are some crucial elements to consider:

Clarity and Consistency

Messages should be clear, concise, and consistent across all channels. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensures that everyone receives the same information.

Encourage two-way communication by providing platforms for employees to share their thoughts and feedback. This not only makes employees feel valued but also provides valuable insights for continuous improvement.

Utilize various communication channels such as emails, intranets, and virtual events or hybrid events to reach employees wherever they are.

Keep employees informed with regular updates about company news, changes, and achievements. This transparency builds trust and fosters a sense of inclusion.

The Role of Employee Communications

Internal communications establish a strong foundation, but a truly thriving business entity needs a two-way street of information exchange. This is where employee communications come into play. While internal comms traditionally focus on disseminating information from leadership down to the teams, employee communications emphasize the importance of information flowing in all directions.


This means creating a safe space for employees to share ideas, voice concerns, and offer feedback. It’s about fostering an environment where employees feel heard, valued, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. Through surveys, town halls, or anonymous suggestion boxes, employee communications open a dialogue that strengthens collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving across the organization.


Ultimately, effective employee communications cultivate a positive workplace culture where employees feel respected and engaged. This not only benefits employee morale but also leads to a more informed and adaptable infrastructure, ready to tackle challenges and achieve its goals.

Crafting Internal Communications Plans

Creating impactful internal communications plans involves understanding your audience, setting clear objectives, and choosing the right tools. Start by identifying the key messages you want to convey and the best times to deliver them. Then, select the appropriate channels and formats to reach your audience effectively. We’ll cover these in just a moment, but lastly—make sure you regularly review and adjust your plans based on feedback and changing needs. Okay, now onto the formats.

Internal Company Communication Formats

Effective internal communications rely on various formats tailored to different organizational needs. Let’s take a look at how different formats contribute to robust internal corporate communications, as each format serves a unique role in ensuring pertinent information reaches employees effectively. These formats not only disseminate information but also foster engagement and alignment across teams:

  • Town Hall Meetings: These gatherings offer a platform for leadership to share updates, goals, and achievements transparently, fostering organizational unity.
  • Business Continuity & Crisis Communications: Vital for managing and mitigating issues promptly, maintaining trust, and minimizing impact during unforeseen events.
  • Human Resources: A major component of internal company communications—ensure staff are well-informed about policies, benefits, and support.
  • Continuing Professional Education (CPE) / Continuing Ed: Offer ongoing learning opportunities, keeping employees updated with industry trends and enhancing their skills.

The Hidden Costs of Failing to Communicate Internally

Picture this for a moment: you’ve invested significant time and resources into a company-wide town hall. The CEO is poised to unveil a strategic vision for the future. But then, technical glitches disrupt the event, leaving employees confused and frustrated. This scenario not only damages morale but also carries hidden costs:

  • Disengaged Employees: When employees don’t understand the organization’s direction or their role in achieving goals, they become disengaged. This can lead to decreased productivity and innovation.
  • Loss of Trust: Technical glitches and unclear communication erode employee trust in leadership.
  • Wasted Resources: The cost of planning and executing a failed event is significant.
  • Ineffective Communication: If employees don’t grasp the message due to technical issues or poor content, the entire event is a missed opportunity.

However, with a strong internal communications foundation, and by leveraging advanced platforms like GlobalMeet, organizations can mitigate these risks and swing these types of concerns into a net positive.

GlobalMeet: Your Partner in Internal Communications

At GlobalMeet, we specialize in providing solutions that support your internal communications strategy. Our platform is designed to facilitate effective employee communications, from planning and executing internal communications plans to hosting engaging webcasts and webinars. Whether you’re looking to improve internal corporate communications or develop efficient employee communication strategies, GlobalMeet is at the ready.


Ready to transform your internal communications? Discover how GlobalMeet can help. Visit our website to learn more and schedule a demo today!

businessman on stage peaking to audience during a town hall meeting

Unlocking Success: How to Conduct and Host an Effective Virtual Town Hall Meeting

Virtual town hall meetings have become a game-changer in corporate communication. They’re an ideal way to connect leadership with a distributed workforce, stimulating a sense of community and transparency across any organization. Not to mention, sometimes you just need a way to break up the week a little.


Whether you’re leading a Fortune 500 company or an emerging business, mastering the art of hosting effective virtual town halls can revolutionize your internal communications and align your teams with your company’s vision. Let’s dive into what makes these meetings tick, their benefits, and how to host a virtual town hall seamlessly with GlobalMeet.

What are Virtual Town Hall Meetings?

A virtual town hall meeting is a digital evolution of the traditional town hall forum, adapted for the modern, interconnected corporate world. These meetings provide a virtual space where employees and management converge to exchange information, ideas, and feedback. It’s a versatile tool to have in your company bag, bringing together a dispersed workforce from various departments and geographic locations, all into a single, cohesive assembly.

The Dynamics of Virtual Town Halls

At its core, a virtual town hall is an interactive online event. Senior management and leaders utilize a robust virtual event platform to communicate company updates, policy changes, and strategic directions. These meetings are designed for two-way communication, but are often guided by company higher-ups. However, many virtual town halls encourage employees to engage in dialogues, pose questions, and provide their insights, making these sessions valuable, inclusive experiences.


One of the unique aspects of virtual town halls is their ability to level the playing field. Unlike traditional in-person meetings where seating arrangements might create a hierarchy of visibility and engagement, virtual town halls offer every participant a ‘front-row’ experience. This setup promotes equality and encourages more open and balanced participation. The interactive nature of these meetings also allows for real-time feedback and engagement, making it a dynamic and responsive method of communication and collaboration.

The Benefits of Going Virtual With Your Town Halls

Switching to virtual town halls offers several advantages over traditional, in-person gatherings. Let’s cover a few of the perks:

Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability

Virtual town halls eliminate the logistical challenges and costs associated with physical venues, travel, and accommodation. They are easily scalable, capable of accommodating anything from a small team to 100,000+ employees across the globe. This scalability ensures that as your company grows, your communication efforts can grow with it, allowing you to seamlessly adapt to increasing or fluctuating numbers of participants. Attendees can come and go as they please, and it doesn’t disrupt the flow.

Innovative digital tools, such as surveys, polling, Q&A, audience chat, social media feeds, and dynamic layouts, transform passive listeners into active participants. These features enrich the experience and ensure higher engagement levels. By incorporating these interactive elements, you can create a more involved and participative environment that encourages employee contribution and feedback. Ultimately, these are key drivers of retention and happiness in the workplace.

Participants can join from anywhere, be it their office, home, or on the go. This flexibility results in higher attendance and participation rates. Additionally, the ability to record and share the session means that employees who cannot attend live can still benefit from the content later on, further enhancing the reach of the meeting and perpetuating its impact. Nothing like kicking back and catching up on company town halls with a bowl of popcorn—makes them all the more dramatic.

Virtual event platforms enable the collection of valuable data, like engagement metrics and real-time feedback, helping organizations gauge the effectiveness of their communication and make informed decisions for future meetings. This data-driven approach allows for continuous improvement and more tailored communication strategies.

Turning the Success Key with GlobalMeet

While virtual town halls offer numerous advantages, their success heavily depends on the chosen platform’s capabilities. This is where GlobalMeet excels. Our virtual event platform is tailored to enhance your virtual town hall experience, providing advanced features and tools that make organizing and hosting these events straightforward and effective.


Whether you’re hosting a small internal meeting or a large-scale global event, GlobalMeet is equipped to handle your needs with ease. We offer robust security features to protect your discussions, elaborate customization capabilities, and interactive elements to keep your audience engaged.


At GlobalMeet, we understand that every organization has unique needs. That’s why we offer both webcast subscription and professionally managed event options, allowing you to choose the level of support that best fits your event.

What Goes On in Virtual Town Halls?

Virtual town halls can be all over the map—companies use them for all sorts of things. But what actually happens in a virtual town hall? Let’s break down the typical components and activities that make up these engaging digital assemblies.

  • Leadership Addresses: These meetings often commence with senior management, including CEOs and department heads, presenting the company’s current status, achievements, challenges, and future plans. This segment sets the stage and provides context for the rest of the discussion. Leadership addresses are crucial as they offer employees a clear understanding of the company’s direction and priorities.
  • Departmental Updates: Different departments or teams may present their updates, showcasing recent successes, ongoing projects, or future endeavors. This broadens employees’ understanding of the company’s diverse operations and upholds a sense of unity and shared purpose. Departmental updates also highlight collaborative efforts and cross-departmental achievements, promoting a holistic view of the organization’s progress.
  • Interactive Q&A Sessions: A vital component of many virtual town halls, Q&A sessions invite employees to ask questions via chat. With fully managed events, you can gain access to GlobalMeet’s Centerstage managed feature, where special guests cameo on video during a live event to ask a question or contribute to an ongoing discussion. demonstrating a commitment to open communication.
  • Polls and Surveys: Real-time polling and surveys are often conducted to gather instant feedback, gauge employee sentiments, and measure the effectiveness of the communication. These tools are invaluable for understanding employee perspectives and can inform future decisions and strategies. Polls and surveys also add an interactive element to the meeting, making employees feel more involved in the process.
  • Recognitions and Awards: Celebrating employee achievements and milestones during the town hall can boost morale and foster a sense of community. Recognitions and awards can be given for outstanding performance, innovative ideas, or contributions to the company culture. This segment not only acknowledges hard work but also sets a positive tone for the meeting. Plus, it’s always fun to get an award in front of your coworkers, and your leadership.

Additional Tips for Effective Virtual Town Halls

At the risk of being exhaustively thorough, we’ve put together some additional insights and tips to ensure your virtual town hall meeting runs smoothly and achieves its intended objectives. Let’s dive in:


  • Pre-Meeting Promotion: Effectively advertise and market your virtual town hall well in advance through multiple channels. Utilize email invites, company intranet announcements, and internal communication apps to generate excitement and encourage participation. Clearly outline the agenda, topics to be covered, and how attendees can submit questions in advance. Pre-meeting promotion ensures that employees are informed and prepared, leading to higher attendance and engagement.
  • Assemble Your A-Team: Hosting a successful virtual town hall requires a dedicated team. Assemble a group that includes a moderator, technical support personnel, and a dedicated person to manage the Q&A session. This team approach ensures that all aspects of the meeting are handled efficiently, from technical setup to content delivery.
  • Plan the Agenda with Precision: A meticulously crafted agenda forms the backbone of your virtual town hall. Allocate time strategically for presentations, Q&A sessions, and audience interaction. Keep the agenda focused and concise, while ensuring adequate time for key topics and discussions. A well-planned agenda keeps the meeting on track and ensures that all important points are covered.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Schedule a dry run of the virtual town hall with your team beforehand. This allows you to rehearse presentations, troubleshoot technical glitches, and familiarize yourselves with the platform’s features. Rehearsals help identify potential issues and ensure that everyone is comfortable with their roles and the technology.
  • Embrace the Power of Visuals: People process information differently, but visuals are almost always a welcome addition. Be sure to utilize compelling presentations, infographics, and videos to enhance audience engagement and understanding of complex topics. Visual aids make information more accessible and can help to maintain interest and attention throughout the meeting.
  • Post-Meeting Follow Up: Following the town hall, it’s essential to maintain the momentum. Share a recording of the session for those who couldn’t attend, provide a recap of key takeaways, and address any outstanding questions or concerns raised during the Q&A. Post-meeting follow-up ensures that the information shared is accessible to all employees and that any lingering issues are resolved.

Interactive Content Elements for Virtual Town Halls

When hosting virtual town halls, incorporating interactive content elements can significantly enhance engagement and participation. Here are several strategies tailored specifically for virtual town hall meetings:

  • Interactive Presentations: Enhance your presentations with interactive elements such as clickable links, quizzes, and multimedia content. This not only captures the audience’s attention but also encourages them to engage with the material actively.
  • Virtual Breakout Rooms: Breakout rooms provide an opportunity for smaller group discussions and networking sessions during the town hall. Using a meeting app of your choice attendees can be divided into groups based on their interests or roles, allowing for more focused discussions and collaboration.
  • Live Performances and Entertainment: Adding live performances or entertainment segments to your virtual town hall can create memorable experiences for attendees. Whether it’s live music, comedy acts, or magic shows, these performances can help break up the content and keep participants engaged. Collaborate with local artists or performers to add a unique touch to your town hall.

Inclusivity and Accessibility in Virtual Town Halls

Ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in virtual town halls is essential for creating an environment where all attendees feel welcome and valued. Here are some strategies to promote inclusivity and accessibility in your virtual town hall meetings.

  • Providing Closed Captioning and Transcripts: Offering closed captioning or transcripts for live audio and video content ensures that attendees with hearing impairments can fully participate in the town hall. Virtual event platforms like GlobalMeet provide built-in captioning features, making it easy to provide this accommodation.
  • Offering Multiple Ways to Participate: Recognize that attendees may have different preferences and abilities when it comes to participating in virtual town halls. Provide multiple channels for engagement, such as text-based chat, audio commentary, and visual presentations, to accommodate diverse needs and preferences.
  • Ensuring Compatibility with Assistive Technologies: Make sure that your virtual town hall platform is compatible with assistive technologies commonly used by attendees with disabilities, such as screen readers and voice recognition software. Test your platform’s accessibility features and provide guidance on how attendees can optimize their experience.
  • Using Inclusive Language and Imagery: Be mindful of the language and imagery used in your virtual town hall communications to ensure they are inclusive and respectful of all attendees. Avoid language or visuals that may perpetuate stereotypes or exclude certain groups of people.

GlobalMeet: The Virtual Event Platform for Captivating Virtual Town Halls

Every virtual town hall presents a golden opportunity. It’s your chance to connect directly with your workforce, offering transparency, alignment, and a sense of belonging. Don’t let technical hurdles or logistical roadblocks stand in the way of success.


At GlobalMeet, we provide the tools and support you need to host flawless virtual town halls that captivate your audience and spark meaningful, productive dialogue. Contact us today to see how we can transform your virtual events into powerful moments of connection and engagement. Together, let’s empower your workforce and propel your organization forward.

Group of co-workers determining whether they should purchase a GlobalMeet self-serve license or professionally managed events package

Virtual Events: Should You Host Your Own or Utilize a Professionally Managed Virtual Event Platform?

In-person gatherings continue to make their comeback, and yes, we know what you’re thinking: “I’m going to have to put real pants on again, huh?” As terrifying as this thought might be, and while it may be somewhat true, you don’t necessarily need to start panicking. 


Virtual events have become a part of the business world, and they are here to stay.


During the pandemic, virtual events solidified themselves as integral tools for businesses to promote growth and perpetuate interconnectivity. But then we began to push the boundaries of what virtual events could actually do for companies in general, whether we were at home in our pajamas or in the office in our ~gulp~ khakis.


The point is, virtual and hybrid events haven’t lost their charm at all—59.5% of event planners intend to host hybrid events in the future. Even as the virtual events market reached a staggering $114 billion in 2021, it’s expected to expand to $366.5 billion by 2027. So, if you’re not jumping on the virtual or hybrid event train already, you’re likely limiting your company experience and hampering business growth opportunities.

But here’s the million-dollar question: Is hosting a virtual event something you can do on your own, or should you get some help? And another million-dollar question: how much help should you get? That’s two million dollars in questions, just right there.

The Importance of Choosing Your Virtual Event Platform Wisely

Selecting the right virtual event platform and format is imperative, whether you’re an SMB or a Fortune 500 company. But as the magnitude of your business increases, so does the risk associated with running a virtual event. 


As a Fortune 500 business, for instance, a virtual event transforms from a simple awareness play into a full-on extension of your brand. It actually can’t fail—it must be carried out with flawless vitality, like an Olympic figure skater’s routine. You’re too well-known and respected for even the slightest hiccup—the expectations surpass excuses and mistakes, even if they are caused by an ill-fated edge in the ice. 


Trust is everything. A Fortune 500 company can, in one moment, lose the trust of its employees, investors, partners and more. Therefore, the technology has to work, and the message must be clear; there can’t be gaps in the plan or the execution. Your virtual event platform should be the perfect fit.

Virtual Events with GlobalMeet

As a leader in the webcast sector, GlobalMeet’s virtual event platform offers a few options for businesses and event planners looking to host virtual or hybrid events, each with its respective degree of support.

At GlobalMeet, we pride ourselves on eliminating communication barriers and tailoring virtual events for the ultimate experience, so regardless of the tier you select, you’ll receive the tools, resources and guidance you need to put on an impactful event. We want your experience to be one of those events that attendees just can’t stop talking about. Schedule a demo today to learn more.

co-workers virtual event planning for their next GlobalMeet event

A Guide to Efficient Virtual Event Planning

Virtual events have transformed the way we connect and share information. No more geographical limitations or traveling in a suit and tie; virtual events allow you to reach a global audience, fostering engagement and knowledge exchanges irrespective of location. But with this exciting potential comes the responsibility of meticulous planning. In this comprehensive guide, designed to equip you with the tools and strategies for success, we will walk you through virtual event planning in five detailed steps:

Step 1: Building Your Dream Team

A well-coordinated team is the backbone of any successful virtual event. Here are the key players you’ll want on board:

  • Project Manager: The conductor of the event, overseeing the entire project lifecycle from conception to execution. They ensure alignment with strategic goals, manage resources, and troubleshoot logistical challenges.
  • Producer: The live event puppet master, ensuring the event flows seamlessly. They manage transitions, maintain the schedule, and keep the virtual stage on track.
  • Production Manager: The tech whiz behind the scenes, overseeing the technical aspects. They collaborate with the tech team and the platform experts to manage the software, audio-visual elements, and ensure a glitch-free experience. GlobalMeet is one of the few virtual event software providers that offer Event Production Managers to meticulously run your event for you.
  • Content Coordinator and Marketing Specialist: The content curator, crafting engaging presentations and an agenda that resonates with the audience. The Marketing Specialist, on the other hand, spearheads promotional efforts to drive awareness and attendance.

Step 2: Crafting Compelling Content and Captivating Agendas

Content is still king. Here’s how to create an agenda and content strategy that keeps your audience glued to their screens and keeps your virtual event flowing:

Structure Your Agenda for Engagement

Design a well-paced agenda that grabs attention from the start. Integrate interactive elements like polls, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms to encourage participation. Consider time zones for a global audience and keep sessions concise to maintain focus.

Gather Speaker Materials Promptly

Collect all necessary materials from your speakers well in advance, including presentations, bios, photos, and social media links. This empowers you to create a buzz pre-event and build connections with the audience. It also helps to ensure that no one’s material overlaps or becomes too repetitive. The last thing you want is a virtual event that drags on and on and still fails to educate attendees.

The Art of Effective Presentations

Captivating content is the heart of a successful virtual event. Identify impactful themes that resonate with your target audience. Incorporate a variety of formats, like keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, all just to keep things interesting. Storytelling is a powerful tool; use it to craft relatable and memorable presentations, and make sure that each presentation has a narrative that’s easy to follow. Real-world examples, case studies, and live demonstrations further enrich the content and ensure your audience walks away not just informed, but inspired.

Optimizing Your Presentation Space

The physical space you present from plays a subtle yet significant role. High-quality audio is paramount, so ensure a good microphone or headset. Maintain a clean, professional background to avoid distractions. Dress professionally, but comfortably, to portray authority and trust, while still remaining approachable and relatable. These details help maintain focus and ensure your message resonates with the audience.

Step 3: Mastering Technicalities and Rehearsals

Technical pitfalls can nullify all of your virtual event planning if you’re not careful. To avoid this, it’s important to prioritize a strong foundation. First, utilize established broadcast channels to maximize reach, and ensure a hardwired internet connection for stability. Next, conduct a thorough rehearsal to familiarize everyone involved with the platform and format. This practice session should mirror the live event as closely as possible, allowing all participants to test their equipment and identify any technical kinks before the big day arrives.


Rehearsals also provide a valuable opportunity to practice transitions and content flow, boosting speaker confidence and ensuring a smooth, professional experience for your audience. It really helps the speakers to see how it’s going to go beforehand. This leads us to step four.

Step 4: Fine-Tuning Presenter Preparation and Coordination

Well-prepared presenters are the cornerstone of a captivating virtual event. Be sure to provide presenters with comprehensive best practices for using the webcast platform. Familiarity with the technology translates to a smooth and confident delivery. Additionally, during rehearsals, prioritize checking audio and video quality for clarity and professionalism. Encourage presenters to use the same technical setup during rehearsals as they will during the live event. Confident and prepared presenters make for a smooth experience, helping uplift the overall image and impact of your virtual event.

Step 5: Finalizing Event Settings and Schedules

The final touches are crucial for a polished and professional event experience, and thoroughness is your friend.

  • Configuring Webcast Software Settings: Configure all technical aspects of the webcast software. This includes audio and video settings, chat functionalities, poll creation, and other interactive features, all tailored to your specific event needs.
  • Scheduling Presenters for Early Arrival: Ensure presenters log in well before the event start time. Aim for a 30-to-60-minute window for last-minute adjustments, troubleshooting, and acclimation to the virtual environment. This allows them to interact with each other, fostering a relaxed and confident atmosphere for their presentations.
  • Final Checks and Balances: Perform scrupulous final checks to eliminate the risk of technical glitches:
    • Test all links and login credentials.
    • Verify that backup systems are in place for critical components.
    • Confirm that all content, such as slides and videos, is uploaded and functioning correctly.

By following these five steps and attending to the finer details, you can transform virtual event planning from a daunting task to a streamlined process. Just take things step by step! This approach ensures a captivating and impactful experience for both your presenters and your audience.

Elevate Your Virtual Events with GlobalMeet

GlobalMeet empowers you to craft exceptional virtual events, irrespective of their complexity. Whether you’re hosting a simple online video webcast or a multi-day hybrid conference requiring a dedicated team, we offer a comprehensive suite of solutions:

  • Webcast Subscriptions: Run your own event with our full suite of features, including audience chat, survey and polls, China CDN, enterprise-grade security, event branding and customization, and more. Our intuitive tools let you design your event every step of the way. But don’t worry, even heroes need help sometimes. Our award-winning team is always available 24/7 to ensure your success.
  • Professionally Managed Audio & Video Webcasts: Experience the same full suite of features for 100,000+ attendees, except with a professional team of experts who take care of every element of your event. This includes setup, presenter training, testing, design, and on-site video. This way you can focus on the delivery of your message.
  • Virtual & Hybrid Events & Conferences: Designed to handle 100,000+ attendees if needed, our virtual and hybrid event platforms are optimal for multi-day events that combine in-person and virtual experiences. Think investor conferences, trade shows, trainings, and more.

GlobalMeet: The Platform for Captivating Virtual Experiences

Our virtual event platform caters to a variety of scenarios, from corporate communications and investor relations to demand generation and beyond. We are committed to fostering engaging and interactive experiences for your audience.


Ready to take your virtual events to the next level? See what GlobalMeet can do for you! We’re even ready to help you with your virtual event planning. Watch a demo or contact us today and discover how we can help you create unforgettable virtual experiences that leave a lasting impression.

business women utilizing GlobalMeet's online event platform

Decoding the Essence of an Online Event Platform

The enterprise event landscape has undergone a dramatic shift—cue the ominous music. Virtual events, once considered alternatives, have become mainstream due to their accessibility and flexibility, and a few other things if we’re being thorough. As a result, online event platforms, sometimes called OEPs, have emerged as the cornerstone of successful virtual experiences.


This blog serves as a comprehensive guide, equipping you with the knowledge to harness the power of online events, whether fully virtual or hybrid. We’ll explore the essence of OEPs and their core functionalities, delve into the benefits they offer, and equip you to make informed decisions when selecting a platform for your next virtual event.

What Are Online Event Platforms?

Online event platforms are cloud-based software solutions that empower enterprises and event organizers to plan, manage, and execute virtual and often even hybrid events seamlessly. These tools allow you to connect with a wider audience and create impactful events regardless of location.


Whether you’re a seasoned event planner or venturing into the virtual world for the first time, virtual event platforms empower you and your team to lead successful and engaging events. As we plunge deeper into this blog, we’ll explore the evolution of virtual event platforms, how they work, and we’ll even cover some emerging trends and how they shape the future of events.

The Evolution of Online Event Planning

Let’s rewind a few years: in the early days, basic webinar solutions were the norm, facilitating simple online presentations. These platforms offered limited functionality, primarily focused on one-way communication with minimal audience engagement.


However, a turning point arrived with the rise of remote work culture and the growing need for virtual collaboration. Suddenly, basic webinars were no longer enough. The demand for engaging and interactive virtual experiences surged, pushing the boundaries of online event technology.


In response, virtual event platforms underwent a remarkable transformation. They evolved from basic webinar tools into feature-rich powerhouses. Today’s OEPs cater to a diverse range of event formats, from large-scale conferences with thousands of attendees to intimate team meetings fostering closer collaboration.


This evolution isn’t just about accommodating different event sizes. Modern OEPs offer a comprehensive suite of functionalities designed to optimize every stage of the event lifecycle.

Unveiling the Capabilities of Digital Event Platforms

Transcending traditional webinars, virtual and hybrid event platforms have a powerful suite of features designed to help you host successful virtual and hybrid events. These features not only enhance functionality but also deliver a multitude of benefits for the event organizers themselves. And when event organizers are happy, everybody’s happy.

Core Functionalities
  • Event Creation & Management: Build user-friendly event websites, manage registration seamlessly, schedule sessions, and invite speakers—all from a centralized hub.
  • Live & Pre-Recorded Content: Stream live presentations, webinars, and panel discussions or upload pre-recorded sessions for on-demand access, catering to diverse learning styles.
  • Interactive Features: Foster attendee engagement with live chat, Q&A sessions, polls, and breakout rooms, transforming passive participation into dynamic and enriching experiences.
  • Event Analytics & Reporting: Gain valuable data and insights into attendee behavior, engagement levels, and session performance. Utilize this data to make informed decisions and continuously improve future events.
  • Increased Accessibility: Reach a global audience and eliminate travel barriers for attendees.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Host events anytime, anywhere, and offer on-demand content for post-event access.
  • Improved Engagement: Foster active participation with interactive features and establish a dynamic learning environment.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Gain valuable insights to improve future events and tailor content based on attendee preferences.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Virtual events are often more cost-efficient compared to traditional events with venue rentals and travel expenses.

Engagement in the Virtual Age: Key Interactive Features

As mentioned earlier, engagement is a key factor in successful virtual events. Thankfully, online event platforms are packed with interactive features designed to keep attendees captivated:


  • Live Polls and Q&A: Encourage real-time participation with live polls that gauge audience sentiment and Q&A sessions that allow attendees to interact directly with speakers.
  • Interactive Whiteboards and Annotations: Bring presentations to life with features like interactive whiteboards and annotation tools, fostering collaboration and a more dynamic learning environment.
  • Gamification: Incorporate gamification elements to boost attendee engagement. Leaderboards can incentivize participation in polls or quizzes, while badge systems can reward them for completing specific actions or reaching milestones.
  • Breakout Rooms: Foster more intimate networking sessions with breakout rooms that allow attendees to connect with smaller groups based on shared interests or topics.

How Online Conferencing Platforms Empower Event Success

While online conferencing platforms excel at creating engaging and flexible virtual experiences, their true power lies in their ability to empower event success through comprehensive data and analytics. This exceeds simply tracking attendance numbers—anyone that can count could handle that for you. OEPs provide a wealth of insights into attendee demographics, session performance, engagement levels, and content downloads. Enterprises leverage this data to tailor content, select speakers, boost participation, optimize marketing, and measure ROI.


In essence, digital event platforms empower you to move beyond guesswork and embrace data-driven decision making. With a clear understanding of what resonated with your audience and what areas need improvement, you can continuously refine your virtual event strategy, ensuring each event surpasses the last. This data-driven approach fosters continuous improvement, allowing you to position your business for long-term virtual event success.

Hybrid Events: The Power of Merging Physical and Virtual Experiences

Hybrid events, which seamlessly blend physical and virtual components, are poised to become the norm. OEPs are instrumental in facilitating these events by:


  • Live Streaming Conferences: OEPs enable live streaming of keynote presentations or panel discussions, allowing remote attendees to participate in real-time.
  • Virtual Attendee Participation: Offer virtual attendees interactive experiences through features like live chat, polls, and Q&A sessions, ensuring they feel equally engaged as those attending in person.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: By analyzing data from both physical and virtual attendees, event organizers can gain a holistic view of audience interaction and optimize future hybrid events.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: A Focus on Expanding Reach

OEPs are revolutionizing event accessibility. Features like live captioning and translation services eliminate language barriers, while on-demand recordings ensure those who can’t attend live can still access valuable content. People have things to do and places to be! Additionally, the elimination of travel costs opens doors for a wider audience to participate, fostering a more inclusive event environment, while simultaneously allowing for more creative resource allocation for everyone involved—so yeah, avocado toast is back on the menu.

Emerging Trends in Virtual Event Platforms

As technology evolves, we can expect to see a ton of exciting new advancements in the virtual event space:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI can personalize the attendee experience by recommending relevant sessions, facilitating networking based on shared interests, and even offering virtual assistants for real-time support. Imagine AI-powered chatbots answering attendee questions or suggesting sessions based on their browsing history and interests. Expect more developments in the virtual event world based on the evolution of AI.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Picture yourself attending a virtual conference where you can network in a 3D lobby or explore an exhibitor booth with immersive VR/AR experiences. These technologies hold immense potential for creating even more engaging and interactive virtual events.
  • Continued Emphasis on Sustainability: Virtual and hybrid events have a lower environmental impact compared to traditional events. As sustainability becomes a top priority, OEPs are likely to develop features that further reduce the environmental footprint of events. GlobalMeet is committed to sustainable practices and is exploring new ways to empower event organizers to make eco-conscious choices.

Embracing the Power of Online Event Platforms

The rise of online events has transformed the event landscape. These powerful tools offer unmatched flexibility, accessibility, and data-driven insights, empowering event organizers to lead engaging and impactful experiences. Whether you’re planning a fully virtual event, a hybrid experience, or a future event that leverages emerging technologies, virtual and hybrid events are invaluable assets.


GlobalMeet’s online event solution is trusted by over half of the largest US banks for a reason—actually, for several reasons. Our webcasting solutions are designed for ease of management, helping to inspire and connect organizations with their desired audience. Ready to take a gander at some key takeaways?

  • Design Flexibility: Our platform allows you to tailor the look and feel of your event to match your brand identity. Originate a virtual environment that reflects your company culture and sets the tone for your event.
  • Engagement Boosters: We offer a suite of engagement tools specifically designed to keep your audience captivated. Think interactive polling, live Q&A sessions, gamification elements, and social media integrations to drive a more intriguing experience.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrate your existing marketing automation or CRM platforms with GlobalMeet to streamline workflows and centralize attendee data.

By leveraging these features and more, GlobalMeet empowers you to create virtual events that are not only informative but also memorable and engaging for your audience. Watch a demo, or—if demos aren’t really your thing—get in touch with us today!

business woman researching virtual meetings versus virtual events

Virtual Meetings vs. Virtual Events: Choosing the Right Platform for Your Needs

Whether we like it or not, in-person gatherings are few and far between, and workforces are becoming more and more spread out. Today, virtual formats reign supreme, offering flexibility, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. But with this evolution comes a new question for event planners: virtual meetings or virtual events? Which one makes more sense, and when? Let’s dive in and explore the key differences to ensure you select the perfect platform for your needs.

Understanding Virtual Meetings: A Collaborative Cornerstone

Virtual meetings are the lifeblood of many remote teams, fostering real-time business communication and collaboration even when team members are scattered across the globe. These meetings, conducted through video conferencing or online meeting software, provide a virtual “meeting room” experience.


This allows teams to conduct interactive discussions, share presentations and documents, and brainstorm ideas together in real time. Virtual meetings, when organized properly, are perfect for status updates, project check-ins, client calls, candidate interviews, and a variety of other scenarios where a focused group needs to come together and achieve a specific goal.

Exploring Virtual Events: A World of Possibilities

Virtual events, however, take communication and engagement to a whole new level. They extend far beyond the simple functionality of a virtual meeting, offering a dynamic and immersive experience for much larger audiences. Imagine replicating the energy and excitement of a conference, complete with keynote speakers, engaging content and live Q&A, —all within a virtual environment. 


But that’s not all. Virtual events open doors to a world of creative possibilities. Livestream product launches, town halls, HR updates, or interactive and certified training sessions—the options are virtually (no pun intended) limitless. Think customizable registration pages, interactive lobbies, gamification elements, and built-in social networking features—all designed to keep your attendees engaged from the moment they log in.

Key Differences Between Virtual Meetings and Virtual Events

While both virtual meetings and virtual events play a vital role in today’s business landscape, some key distinctions will help you choose the right platform:

  • Scale and Audience Size: Virtual meetings are ideal for smaller, collaboration groups. Virtual events, on the other hand, can accommodate thousands of attendees simultaneously.
  • Planning and Organization: Virtual meetings require minimal planning, while virtual events involve a more complex orchestration of speakers, sessions, content, and attendee engagement.
  • Interactivity and Engagement: Virtual meetings offer basic interaction features like chat and screen sharing. Virtual events leverage a wider array of tools—polls, Q&A sessions, live chats and certifications, —to keep attendees engaged and foster a dynamic online community.
  • Session Variety and Content Delivery: Virtual meetings typically revolve around a single agenda or presentation. Virtual events offer a much richer tapestry of content, including keynote addresses, panel discussions, workshops, and pre-recorded sessions.

Distinct Use Cases for Virtual Meeting and Virtual Event Platforms

So, when should you be looking to utilize virtual meetings, and when should you go with a virtual event? Sometimes it can be tough to tell—here’s a breakdown of some of the most common use cases for each type of platform:

Virtual Meeting Platform Use Cases

Daily Team Stand-Ups and Project Check-Ins

Kick off your day with a quick virtual meeting to keep everyone on the same page, discuss priorities, and identify any roadblocks.

Connect with clients face-to-face without the hassle of travel. Deliver impactful presentations, share proposals, and answer questions in real-time.

Welcome new hires into the fold with interactive virtual onboarding sessions. Provide ongoing training and development opportunities for your team members, regardless of location.

Generate innovative ideas and solutions through collaborative brainstorming sessions. Share screens, whiteboards, and documents to fuel creative thinking.

Conduct efficient and effective interviews with top talent from around the world. Evaluate skills, experience, and cultural fit through virtual interactions.

Virtual Event Platform Use Cases

Town Hall Meetings

Livestream company updates, conduct live Q&A sessions with leadership, and leverage polls and surveys to gather real-time employee feedback.

Host virtual investor events, share financial updates through live presentations, and facilitate interactive Q&A sessions to address investor concerns. 

Lead captivating virtual product launches, conduct interactive webinars with industry experts, and showcase your solutions at virtual tradeshows. 

Onboard new hires and offer ongoing training and development opportunities for your team through interactive virtual workshops and seminars. 

Expand your reach and open access to education with virtual learning experiences. Issue online courses, workshops, and certification programs for a global audience.

Conduct product demos and generate leads through targeted marketing campaigns and virtual booths.

Choosing the Right Platform: Virtual Meeting or Virtual Event

Now that you understand the core differences, how do you decide which platform to use? Here’s a guiding principle:

  • Virtual Meeting Platforms: Opt for a virtual meeting platform when you need to connect smaller teams for collaborative discussions, brainstorming sessions, quick catch-ups, client calls, interview candidates, or project check-ins. These platforms are ideal for day-to-day business communication and internal teamwork.
  • Virtual Event Platforms: When your vision involves a large-scale audience, multi-session agendas, high levels of engagement, and a broader range of content delivery formats, virtual event platforms are most ideal. With a comprehensive suite of features—from pre-event promotion and registration to live event execution and post-event analytics—you’ll offer a much more robust and fruitful experience than a simple virtual meeting.

Understanding the distinctions between virtual meetings and virtual events empowers you to make informed decisions when planning your next online gathering. By aligning your platform choice with your specific objectives, you can create impactful and successful virtual experiences that leave a lasting impression on your audience.


At GlobalMeet, we’re passionate about helping you unlock the full potential of virtual events. Contact us today or watch a demo now and see how GlobalMeet can transform your next virtual event into an extraordinary success!

businessman collaborating on GlobalMeet's event management software

Navigating Corporate Event Management Software: A Comprehensive Guide

Corporate events aren’t quite as stuffy as they used to be, huh? Today, they play a pivotal role in fostering brand awareness, building relationships, and driving key objectives—all critical components to running an impactful operation. However, the planning and execution process can often be a labyrinth in and of itself, one that even David Bowie would have trouble navigating. This is precisely where event management software comes into play—the planning and execution, that is. Not with defeating goblin kings. You’re on your own there.


This guide delves into the complex world of enterprise event management software, equipping you with the knowledge to take full advantage of its functionalities and unlock its potential for success. We’ll explore the core features, delve into strategic considerations for selection, and illuminate how this technology empowers you to craft exceptional events. Sound like a plan? Ready… break!

What is Corporate Event Management Software?

Corporate event management software is a comprehensive tool designed to facilitate the planning, organization, and execution of corporate events both hybrid or totally virtual. It streamlines processes such as attendee registration, schedule management, engagement tracking, and more. 


This software is crucial for businesses aiming to efficiently manage events, from small meetings and town halls to large conferences and tradeshows. It ensures a seamless event experience for both organizers and attendees, enabling effective communication, data analysis, and integration with other business tools.


Enterprise event management software aligns with the phases of hosting a virtual or hybrid event by providing tools and features for each step of the event lifecycle. From the planning phase, where it assists with scheduling and registration, to the execution phase, offering functionalities for live streaming and engagement—such as polls or chats—and finally to the post-event phase, facilitating feedback collection and analytics.

What Are the Key Features of a Robust Event Management Software Platform?

The optimal enterprise event management platform depends heavily on its features. It can be affordable, sleek, and easy to use all day long, but that’s all for nothing if it can’t handle the bells and whistles portion to do what you need it to do. So what are the most important features you and your team should be looking for in a corporate event management system? Just in case you don’t already have them listed out, we went ahead and did it for you:

Core Functionalities
  • Registration: Streamline guest access, with an easy to use branded registration page. 
  • Agenda Management: Create agendas, schedule sessions, and integrate speaker bios and presentations for a cohesive experience.
  • Communication Tools: Utilize built-in features to send targeted email campaigns such as reminders and follow-up emails. 
  • Engagement Features: Foster audience participation with live polls, Q&A sessions, social media integration, and other interactive elements.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain valuable insights through robust analytics that track attendee behavior, measure event success, and inform future planning.
  • Event Format Flexibility: Cater to the evolving event landscape by supporting virtual and hybrid events seamlessly.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Accommodate an increasing number of attendees or handle more complex events as your needs grow.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrate with existing tools like CRM or marketing automation platforms to streamline workflows and eliminate data silos.
  • Customization Options: Personalize the event experience by incorporating your brand identity and tailoring attendee communications.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offer an intuitive interface for both event organizers and attendees to ensure ease of use.
  • Content Delivery Options: Seamlessly handle live presentations, pre-recorded sessions, or on-demand resources to cater to diverse learning styles.
  • Advanced Analytics: Go beyond basic metrics to gain deeper insights into attendee behavior and preferences to inform future content strategy and event design.
  • Security Features: Ensure the platform adheres to industry-standard security protocols to protect sensitive data.
  • Customer Support: Evaluate the quality and accessibility of customer support offered by the software vendor.
  • Pricing and Scalability: Compare pricing models and ensure the platform’s scalability aligns with your anticipated growth trajectory.

Choosing the Right Corporate Event Management Partner

Selecting the ideal corporate event management software hinges on a clear understanding of your specific needs and objectives. Without clarifying these things, you might be up a creek without a paddle. And that’s never fun. It involves a lot of mud, to say the least. Anyway, here are crucial factors to consider when navigating the selection process to help you evaluate how the system aligns with your needs:

What are the Event Goals?

Evaluate the software’s capabilities against your event’s objectives. Does it offer the features necessary to achieve your desired outcomes, be it audience engagement, brand awareness, or lead generation?

Consider the demographics and technological savviness of your attendees. Choose a user-friendly platform with features that cater to their needs and preferences.

Ensure the platform can adapt and grow alongside your events. Opt for software that can accommodate an increasing number of attendees or handle more complex events in the future.

Seamless integration with existing tools like your CRM or marketing automation platform can streamline workflows and eliminate data silos.

Does the platform enable you to personalize the event experience? Look for features that allow you to incorporate your brand identity visually and tailor attendee communications.

Building Your Event Tech Ecosystem

Enterprise event management software forms the core of your event tech stack, but its true potential is amplified when it’s combined with other specialized tools. Here’s how to curate a comprehensive tech ecosystem for a seamless event experience:

  • CRM Integration: Integrate your event software with your CRM to gain a 360-degree view of attendees. This allows for targeted marketing campaigns, personalized event experiences, and improved lead nurturing.
  • Marketing Automation Synergy: Sync with your marketing automation platform to streamline pre-event communication, nurture leads, and trigger targeted post-event follow-up campaigns.
  • Engagement Boosters: Consider incorporating interactive tools like live polling apps, gamification platforms, or social media walls to enhance audience participation and create a more dynamic event environment.
  • Event App Power: Explore the potential of a custom event app to provide attendees with easy access to agendas, speaker information, networking opportunities, and real-time event updates.

By strategically integrating these additional tools with your core event management software, you can orchestrate a symphony of technologies that empowers you to deliver exceptional events.

Optimizing Your Partnership: Maximize The Software Potential

Once you’ve shopped the marketplace, selected your event management software partner, harnessed the software’s features, and built your tech stack, there’s still some leftover juice to squeeze. Here are some success strategies to consider to best utilize your new corporate event software system:

  • Invest in Training: Equipping your team with comprehensive training on the software’s functionalities ensures everyone can leverage its full potential.
  • Professional Guidance and Management: The leaders in corporate event management will often provide professional guidance and co-management of your virtual or hybrid events. 
  • Content is King: Remember, even the most feature-rich software cannot compensate for lackluster content. Focus on developing engaging presentations, workshops, and other materials that resonate with your audience.
  • Embrace Feedback: Utilize the software’s built-in analytics and feedback tools to gather valuable post-event insights. Analyze attendee responses to identify areas for improvement and continuously refine your event planning strategies.

GlobalMeet: Streamlining Your Corporate Event Management

At GlobalMeet, we understand the complexities of corporate event planning. That’s why we created a user-friendly corporate event management software solution designed to streamline every step of the process, from registration to post-event analysis. Our platform empowers you to manage both virtual and hybrid events with ease, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for all participants.

Create Memorable Events

GlobalMeet’s intuitive interface allows you to effortlessly manage registrations, schedule sessions, and craft compelling agendas. Built-in communication tools keep attendees informed throughout the event lifecycle, while interactive features like live polls and Q&A sessions foster engagement and keep audiences captivated. But we know that numbers don’t lie. That’s why we provide robust analytics that helps you measure event efficacy and refine your strategies for future events.

Flexibility and Scalability

The event landscape is constantly evolving. With GlobalMeet, you have the flexibility to adapt. Our software supports virtual and hybrid events, ensuring you can reach your target audience regardless of location. And as your organization grows, so too can your event management capabilities. GlobalMeet is built to scale, accommodating an increasing number of attendees and handling more complex events with ease.

Impart Brand Identity

We understand that every event is unique. That’s why GlobalMeet offers customization options. Incorporate your brand identity visually throughout the platform, from registration pages to email communications. This personalized experience fosters stronger connections with attendees and reinforces your brand message.

GlobalMeet's Platform Includes:

  • Scalability: Broadcast high-quality video to large audiences globally.
  • On-Demand Viewing: Record and store webcasts for unlimited access by attendees.
  • Customization: Tailor the entire event experience to your brand, from registration pages to live sessions.
  • Engagement Tools: Foster audience participation through features like polling, Q&A, and social media integration.
  • Security: Maintain enterprise-grade security with features like password protection and access control.
  • Accessibility: Break down language barriers with live interpretation or captioning.
  • Analytics: Gain valuable insights into event performance through real-time data reporting.
  • Compliance: Support adherence to strict regulations like GDPR.
  • Professional Services: Receive expert assistance with event planning, management, and execution.
  • Subscription Plans: Choose a plan that caters to your event size and needs.
  • Integrations: Integrate with existing marketing automation or CRM platforms.

Elevate Your Event with GlobalMeet's Managed Services

Planning a virtual or hybrid event for your company can be daunting—GlobalMeet’s professionally managed services take the weight off your shoulders. Our expert team acts as an extension of yours, handling everything from concept development to flawless execution.

  • Expert Planning & Logistics: We meticulously manage logistics, speaker coordination, and content curation, letting you focus on core objectives.
  • Tech Integration & Engagement: Our specialists ensure seamless integration with your chosen platforms and craft engaging audience interaction strategies using live polls, Q&A, and chat features.
  • Real-Time Support & Reporting: Rest assured, our team is there throughout the event, providing support and troubleshooting. We also offer post-event analysis and reporting to help you refine future events.

We offer tiered service options to match your event complexity and team bandwidth. Choose the level of support that best suits your needs, from specific areas like logistics to a full-service event management solution.

Hosting Seamless Virtual and Hybrid Events

Imagine hosting a global conference where remote attendees can participate just as actively as those in the physical venue. With GlobalMeet’s corporate event management software, you can leverage features like live streaming, breakout rooms for virtual attendees, and real-time chat functionalities to create a unified experience. 


Additionally, our analytics provide insights into virtual audience engagement, allowing you to refine your approach and ensure a truly seamless event for all participants. By utilizing GlobalMeet’s comprehensive toolkit, enterprises can bridge the physical and virtual divide, fostering meaningful connections and maximizing the impact of their events.

Ready to embark on your event planning transformation? Get in touch with our experts or watch a demo today.